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  • When

    01.06.2023 , 19:30

  • Where

    Gdański Teatr Szekspirowski
    ul. Wojciecha Bogusławskiego 1; Gdańsk

  • Language

    in english

  • Style / Genre


  • Duration

    2 hours, 40 min

  • Intermission


1989 shows the fall of communism from a new perspective. Seen through the eyes of three fascinating couples, the events known from newsreels and history books come to life on stage. In the lives of the Frasyniuk, Wałęsa and the Kuroń families, ideas compete with love, enthusiasm clashes with the burden of history, and heroism intertwines with family tragedies. The viewers will join the heroes not only in the iconic moments of the shipyard strikes and at the Round Table but also in their intimate moments of joy and suffering experienced in the privacy of their communist apartments or prison cells. In terms of form, 1989 bears some resemblance to Hamilton, the revolutionary musical in which Lin-Manuel Miranda introduced rap music to Broadway, offering a fresh language of storytelling appealing to both young and old audiences. One of the best Polish rap producers – Andrzej Mikosz “Webber”, known for his long-term cooperation with the Polish rapper “Łona”, is in charge of the sound setting of this Krakow musical. 1989 is a co-production of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow and the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre.


1989 is a co-production of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow and the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre


Directed by Katarzyna Szyngiera
Playscript: Marcin Napiórkowski, Katarzyna Szyngiera, Mirosław Wlekły