Academy of Movement on stage again
The idea was to have the famous performances of the Academy of Movement from the 70s, 80s, 90s remixed by artistic pairs: a person from AR + a performer/woman of the younger generation. 5 pairs - 5 micro-remixes. Premiered in June 2024 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this legendary ensemble. On 22 February this set will be repeated.
Movement Academywas one of the most important Polish experimental theatres of the last few decades. Clearly different from the theatres of Jerzy Grotowski or Tadeusz Kantor, distinctly different from other groups born out of the student movement, it drew intensively from the experience of the visual arts, contemporary dance and avant-garde music, never losing sight of the sphere of politics and social life.
At the very core of the Akademia’s activities, lay – as one would expect, given its name – movement. The group's premise was to break with classic pantomime or conventional scenic gestures. Its essence lay in the dramaturgy of movement and working on the so-called poetics of a common gesture. The physical actions of the actors were dictated by the play’s structure, which in turn was based on rhythm and space. This kind of system did not allow accidental movements. All of these elements combined would build up to a clear and simple model of communication. The Akademia’s performances could also be distinguished by the group’s departure from literary dialogues and narrative, as well as the lack of traditional dramatic characters marked by individual traits. Instead, elements such as music excerpts, sounds, singled out sentences or words, and anonymous characters would be introduced.