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Biosonology: Sound Wave Therapy

  • When

    09.05.2023 - 01.06.2023

  • Where

    Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego (ul. Rynek-Ratusz 27 50-101 Wrocław)

  • Language

    surtitled in english / Polish

During this session the body will be stimulated by a sequence of precise sound frequencies influencing the functions of different body organs.

The vibratory nature of sound is a powerful tool capable of activating responses at the level of organic consciousness to bring the body towards homeostasis through psycho-physical rebalancing and enabling us to access our deepest resources in order to, among other things, regain our ability to self-heal and to mitigate external stress factors.

During this session the body will be stimulated by a sequence of precise sound frequencies influencing the functions of different body organs.

The vibratory nature of sound is a powerful tool capable of activating responses at the level of organic consciousness to bring the body towards homeostasis through psycho-physical rebalancing and enabling us to access our deepest resources in order to, among other things, regain our ability to self-heal and to mitigate external stress factors.

Through biosonological sound stimulation, our conscious mind can learn how to shed limiting beliefs and the different layers of its life mask, revealing the true nature of our selves. Biosonological sound stimulation also enhances our ability to manage stress and burnout through rebalancing the relationship between the ortho- and parasympathetic parts of our autonomous central nervous systems. It triggers a series of positive biophysical reactions in our bodies. Keeping the mind and body closely linked through the main physiological regulation systems (the nervous, lymphatic, hormonal and immune systems) brings a range of benefits that include:

  • rebalanced sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
  • lower blood pressure
  • reduced inflammation
  • higher energy levels
  • stronger immune system
  • detoxified digestive system and a higher count of ‘good’ bacteria
  • enhanced self-healing capacity

Created by Domenico Sciajno, biosonology is an integrated dynamic system that promotes psycho-physical well-being and brings benefits for individual development, both in the interpersonal and the mental and creative domains. Biosonology is based on multidisciplinary research done in research centres in Italy, the US, the UK, Japan and Finland.


The Ember: 6th Summer School of Studio Kokyu – 2nd group. Workshops with Przemysław Błaszczak. Apply by 18 August

streaming live / polish with english subtitles (dodać takie info?)

The Summer School of Studio Kokyu is 10 days of intense physical and vocal training which will take place in the forest base of the Grotowski Institute, Brzezinka. The work is based on practices present in the daily training of the Studio. Through regular immersion in precise structures, we aim to recognize the action of the actor-performer within a group. Living and working in Brzezinka as a collective provides an opportunity to dive into a process that embraces work within a training room and the natural world outside.

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