The Theatre Institute invites to the performance show Novaya Kakhovka by Ukrainian actresses participating in the artistic residency programme. The show will take place on the anniversary of the blowing up of the dam in Novaya Kakhovka. Admission is free, seat reservations apply at bilety@instytut-teatralny.pl. The performance on 6 June at 18:00
The new Kachovka is an attempt to revisit the painful events that unfolded last summer in Ukraine. On the night of 6 June 2023, Russian occupiers blew up the Kachovka hydropower dam. The event caused a humanitarian and ecological disaster. Dozens of people were killed or declared missing. Thousands lost property and were evacuated to other cities. Pain, fear and the suffering of innocent animals were remembered.
A performative show of work dedicated to Nova Kachovka will feature: Anastasiia Ivasova, Helena Romanova, Rimma Tyshkevych - Ukrainian actresses cooperating within the framework of the Artistic Residency Programme of the Zbigniew Raszewski Institute with the Republic of Art Fat Langusta in Poznań.The partner of the event is the Republic of Art Fat Langusta.