Once Upon a Long Day, directed by the outstanding Belgian director Luk Perceval, is an original adaptation of O’Neill’s drama, interpreted through the contemporary lens of addiction issues. Western societies are no longer addicted to just alcohol and drugs, as in O’Neill’s times, but also to social media, computer games, pornography, work and shopping. Although drugs evolve over time, the fundamental mechanism of addiction remains the same. What kind of void are addicts trying to fill? What makes them escape from reality into the world of illusion? Why do they run away from the pain of life? Is there a way to confront it? Two of Perceval’s productions were featured at the Kontakt festival: Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman (Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, Berlin) in 2007, and Yellow – The Sorrows of Belgium II: Rex (NTGent, Ghent).
Premiere: 23.06.2023
Produced by The Helena Modrzejewska National Old Theatre in Cracow
Direction: Luk Perceval