Polish dramas on Chinese book market
China Theatre Press has published an anthology of contemporary Polish drama in Chinese translation. The editor of the volume is Artur Duda, Ph.D., UMK professor from the Department of Cultural Studies, and other scholars and researchers from the Faculty of Humanities have also contributed to the publication.
The volume, titled “Between us it is good/ Women zhijian ting hao de. Bolan xin ju xuan” contains translations of five Polish dramatic works that are aesthetically diverse and written by authors from different generations. They are: “Między nami dobrze jest” by Dorota Masłowska, ‘Nasza klasa’ by Tadeusz Słobodzianek, ‘Lucja i jej dzieci’ by Marek Pruchniewski, ‘Ciemny las’ by Andrzej Stasiuk and ‘Bóg Niżyński’ by Piotr Tomaszuk. So far, only Dorota Maslowska's work has been more widely known in mainland China.
The scholarly introductions to the dramas were written by researchers from the Faculty of Humanities: Monika Krajewska, PhD, Prof. UMK, Violetta Wróblewska, PhD, Prof. UMK, Barbara Bibik, PhD, Prof. UMK, Marzenna Wisniewska, PhD, Prof. UMK, and Jacek Kopcinski, Prof. IBL PAN, who was invited to cooperate. The entire publication was translated by a trio of Chinese translators, Mao Rui, Huang Shan and Liang Xiaocong. Dr. Maciej Szatkowski, also of the WH, was responsible for language editing on the Polish side.
The volume, prepared as part of the work of the Research Team - Performatics and Drama Translation Studies (research grant IDUB Inter disciplinas excellentia), was published thanks to the financial support of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, the Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute and the Polish Institute at the Polish Embassy in Beijing, as well as the substantive cooperation with the Center for Eastern European Theater Research at the Shanghai Theater Academy, headed by Prof. GONG Baorong. A second volume of the anthology is in preparation, and plans are underway to promote the publication in China.