Przejdź do głównej zawartości strony


  • When

    13.09.2024 , 19:00

  • Where

    Teatr Nowy im. Tadeusza Łomnickiego
    ul. Dąbrowskiego 5 60-838 Poznań

  • Language

    surtitled in english

  • Style / Genre

    drama theatre

In our performance, it is the audience that has the RIGHT TO CHOOSE stated in the title. You are the ones to decide about the fate of Ferdinand von Schirach’s protagonist, played by Aleksander Machalica.

This outstanding German playwright has already gained renown as the literary „conscience” of humanity. The Polish premiere of his drama, which already enjoys popularity in European theatres and TV stations, is an opportunity to follow the gripping hearings of successive experts standing before the Ethics Committee. They are played by seven outstanding actresses: Maria Rybarczyk, Daniela Popławska, Małgorzata Łodej-Stachowiak, Bożena Borowska-Kropielnicka, Antonina Choroszy, Agnieszka Różańska and Marta Herman. Their arguments, ethical, medical and theological dilemmas will at the same time become bargaining chips in the „choice” of the concepts of freedom, right to life, humanity.

These terms will soon enter the Polish debate as well: the dilemmas of euthanasia, interrupting palliative care, and the right to die with dignity are also increasingly pertinent to Polish social reality. RIGHT TO CHOOSE anticipates this prediction and, at the same time, gives each viewer the opportunity to already take a stand anonymously on these issues. So, what will you do with your vote?


Direction: Piotr Kruszczyński