The mastertext worked through improvisations. The play is based on the motifs of the drama "The Tempest", derived from the actor's organic work of searching for the stage. Shakespeare's text is a base, a springboard, thanks to which Jan Czapliński composed new words.
The classic text is about love on an isolated island, betrayal, violence, characters manipulating, plotting - working hard to achieve their goal, adapting to new realities, creating and revealing secrets. According to Katarzyna Minkowska, the theater is a desert island and the creators of the stage are shipwrecked. It is also an arena where ubiquitous and infective power structures are reborn. The universal themes of the desire for rule are taken beyond the typical setting of castles, dungeons and chambers, the highest levels of politics and the most brilliant rulers.
The creators review the validity of master systems in art and expose the darkness of working with authorities. Is it possible to reach agreement and create convenient regulations to make working on a masterpiece comfortable and free from abuse?
The show - in a broader context - talks about functioning in a community, about prosaic and everyday getting along, about living together within the framework of common rules.
What can justify radical work on a masterpiece? Do you know when to slow down? Will the rules of work in the theater manage to capture the subtleties of craftsmanship and vibrations between artists? It's worth checking how much Shakespeare is left in it.
Jan Kochanowski Theater in Opole / Poland
director and adaptation: Katarzyna Minkowska
dramaturgy and adaptation: Jan Czapliński
music: Wojciech Frycz
set design: Łukasz Mleczak
costumes: Jola Łobacz
choreography: Krystyna Lama Szydłowska
lighting director: Monika Stolarska
video: Janusz Szymański stage
manager: Urszula Kraska
composer's assistant: Maciej Synowiec