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Sigh – Sing

  • When

    01.06.2024 - 02.06.2024

  • Where

    Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego (ul. Rynek-Ratusz 27 50-101 Wrocław)

    Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego (Rynek-Ratusz 27 50-101 Wrocław)

  • Language

    in english

“Sigh-Sing” in a shorter weekend version is Joanna Kurzyńska’s answer to the needs of those voices who cannot afford longer trips, but want to combine methodological experiences with practical freeing of the voice in song and improvisation.

Joanna Kurzyńska (Designated Linklater Teacher) will guide participants and their voices towards greater understanding, awareness and vibration. Drawing on the work of her masters, including Kristin Linklater, the host wants to give the voice its due freedom and liberty, allowing it to express itself honestly.

The work will be divided into individual and group experience. Each participant will have the opportunity to open their own path of working with voice. As a group, we will be able to experience the power of support provided by sharing our voices and meeting each other through song, conversation, breathing, movement and silence.

The workshop is open and does not indicate any level of advancement. Due to the individual approach to participants, everyone will have the opportunity to work with their voice according to their needs and capabilities.

Vocal and acting skills are not a requirement. Everyone has the right to work with their voice for individual reasons.

Work elements:

  • physical training stimulating body-head-voice communication
  • voice warm-ups with elements of Kristin Linklater’s “Free Your Voice” method
  • combining Linklater’s main idea with a sung voice – How can a breath turn into a song?;
  • resonators – working with basic resonators and their importance in using the voice;
  • “harmony of common singing” – a common meeting in the richness of traditional polyphonic songs;
  • Free vocal improvisation as a way to remove blockages

The work will be a physical exercise, and the participants will interact with each other, both vocally and physically.


The Ember: 6th Summer School of Studio Kokyu – 2nd group. Workshops with Przemysław Błaszczak. Apply by 18 August

streaming live / polish with english subtitles (dodać takie info?)

The Summer School of Studio Kokyu is 10 days of intense physical and vocal training which will take place in the forest base of the Grotowski Institute, Brzezinka. The work is based on practices present in the daily training of the Studio. Through regular immersion in precise structures, we aim to recognize the action of the actor-performer within a group. Living and working in Brzezinka as a collective provides an opportunity to dive into a process that embraces work within a training room and the natural world outside.

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